See detailed schedule below at: "Calendar of Events." If you wish to receive updates on your mobile phone, please sign up (scroll down until "Sign up with Flocknote" appears).
Para el horario detallado, vea a continuación: "Calendar of Events." Para recibir actualizaciones en su teléfono, regístrese (desplácese hacia abajo hasta que aparezca "Sign up with Flocknote").
See detailed schedule below at: "Calendar of Events." If you wish to receive updates on your mobile phone, please sign up (scroll down until "Sign up with Flocknotes" appears).
Para el horario detallado, vea a continuación: "Calendar of Events." Para recibir actualizaciones en su teléfono, regístrese (desplácese hacia abajo hasta que aparezca "Sign up with Flocknotes").
Please register for the sacraments in the Spring. Follow the link in the title. Children 3rd grade and above can prepare for 1st Communion. Children 7th grade and above can prepare for Confirmation. Only 9th grade will do Confirmation in July 2021. We will start a new year for all children in September 2021. If this isn't clear please call the office or talk to br. Daniel Kolbe.
Our new roof project is currently under way. The original 86 year old tile roof is no longer cost effective to repair and leaking badly in several places. Please consider a donation to help with the huge cost of your parish's maintenance. The project will take a couple months and weather permiting will be finished by the beginning of September. Please also be mindful of the workers and heavy equipment. Follow the title link to go to the donation page. Even $20 helps!
This Thursday, May 30th, we will celebrate the Ascension of the Lord, which is a Holy Day of Obligation. We will have Masses at 8am and 7:30pm (Bilingual).
We are now registering for Religious Education classes for 2019-2020. Please register before the end of June as in July the price will go up. Classes are for youth K-12 but also for adults. You can register online or at the parish office during the week or after Sunday Mass.
The NET team retreat will be April 13th from 10 am to 10 pm this year. Please register as soon as possible either on-line or with the from you get in class or at the parish office. You must attend the entire retreat and may not leave early or arrive late! You should bring a lunch but dinner will be provided. This retreat is mandatory for all youth in the Religious Education program from 7th to 12th grade.
This Saturday is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is a Holy Day of Obligation. What this means for all Catholics is that we must attend Mass on Saturday AND Sunday. This is so that we can fulfill both precepts without committing mortal sin for not attending on of these days. Please, see our Mass times for this Saturday. Our Mass Sunday schedule is as usual.
Christmas items and gifts for sale in the rectory meeting room from 9am to 2pm. Sponsored by the Holy Face Prayer Group (In Memoriam Mamma Gili). Any questions, please call Josephina Guerriero 973-420-8519.
1st Prize: $1,000 Pre-paid Visa Card. 2nd Prize: $500 Pre-paid Visa Card. Drawing on December 12th, 2018. Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Tickets are being sold now by some parish leaders and at the parish office. Thank you for your support!