Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish has been served by religious men since the Capuchin Friars arrived in the late 1920’s. In 2006, after the Capuchin Friars had left, the Archbishop of Newark, John J. Myers, asked the Brothers of the Community of Saint John to serve our parish and share with us their life of prayer, study, and fraternal charity.
The Community of Saint John was founded in 1975 by a Dominican priest, Marie-Dominique Philippe (1912-2006). The members of the Community of Saint John seek to fully live the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience in a spirit rooted in the Gospel of St. John. Today, the Community of Saint John numbers 380 brothers from 25 different countries around the world. They live together in 50 small houses, or “priories”, of 5-8 brothers, located in over 20 countries, across 5 continents.
USA website: csjohn.org
International site: brothers-saint-john.org